Album 7
Barclay on the Bright Side

Album 7

Album 7
Erin's senior pic with Shane

Album 7
Jason puppy

Album 7

Album 7

Album 7

Album 7

Album 7
Bath time for Kosmo

Album 7
This is Kosmo, Carl and Dad. Kosmo is at his new home in Cape Cod. We hear he is the smartest dog on the Cape.

Album 7
Lexi going home after spending Christmas with Mom Mom Barb.

Album 7
Carol and Mary with Lexi and new baby sister Kippling

Album 7
Lilly Kieffer-Island Girl
Hi Barbara. We just came back from our summer vacation in Nantucket off Cape Cod. Of cause, Lilly came with us. (We drove). She rode on the Ferry ears flying in the wind lie an old sea dog. She dined with us every night in open air restaurants, slept with us at the bed & breakfast, went on early morning hikes with David and oh, how she loved the beach! Here she is in her shady beach cabana equip with ice water. (It was very breeze and cool on the beach at the Cape.) She even swam in the cabin ocean (with David and I close by keeping a watchful eye on her).
Yup just Lily and the other retrievers!
Hope you’re having a relaxing summer.
Pam Kieffer

Album 7
Barclay Lyca High Fashion A 4 Pt Major at a Specialty Show!

Album 7
Ch Barclay Lyca Justa Illusion We call her Lucille, she's expecting puppies in this photo.

Album 7
Wow! Mom sure loves that camera!

Album 7
This is Maggie, her 'mom' is Linda.

Album 7
Manny's beautiful profile

Album 7
Manny He's here visiting and I adore him!

Album 7
And Manny has a gorgeous head too!

Album 7
This is Marilyn (the poodle puppy) with her new human 'mom', Sally. Marilyn's new family also includes two other dogs and a 12 yr old girl to make her life complete.

Album 7
"I can stick my tongue out too!"

Album 7
Murphy and his new 'Mom', Cherie, live in Ct.

Album 7
This is Robbie, Barclay Lyca Baliwick O' Boy CD, CGC owned & loved by MaryAnn Mesmer

Album 7
My grandson's dog, Pixel, enjoying the snow

Album 7
Now, if we can do this with the rest of my kids!!

Album 7
Rex with his Mom and sister Ashley

Album 7
Ricky and his "watch dog"

Album 7
Robbie and his new owner Maryann Messmer. Look for Robbie in the obedience ring.

Album 7
Rosemary and her puppy, Lilly Mae

Album 7
Rosemary and her puppy, Lilly Mae

Album 7
Rosy in her new home with Carol and Neil. They just love her.

Album 7
Sadie belongs to Maureen and Neil

Album 7
Summer and Barkley

Album 7
Taisa making herself comfortable at 15 years old

Album 7
To cute for words!

Album 7
Hi, this is Toozik who went to Texas to live with Alex and Julia. Pretty boy!

Album 7
Hi, this is Toozik who went to Texas to live with Alex and Julia. Pretty boy!

Album 7
Hi, this is Toozik who went to Texas to live with Alex and Julia. Pretty boy!

Album 7
Hi, this is Toozik who went to Texas to live with Alex and Julia. Pretty boy!

Album 7
This is Toozik, he lives in Tx with Julia and Alex

Album 7
Here is a Halloween picture of the Barella Family with their new puppy Wrigley. Dad flew to Phila. from Ill to pick him up.

Album 7
"Zoe" Belonging to Zara and family, this little 3 pounder is a wonder

Album 7
Zoey in her new home with Jant and George