Album 9
Lexi getting ready for a nap

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Maryann's and Tom's Lilly, she goes hiking, camping and agility Lilly also has her CGC title

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Lilly stands watch over the Koi fish in her pond. She's doing great Barbara
We adore her
soon to be 7 years

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Lisa and her new Barclay puppy

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Luke belongs to the Buss Family

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Luke belongs to the Buss Family

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Luke belongs to the Buss Family

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Maggie's 5th Birthday photos!

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Maggie's 5th Birthday photos!

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Michael's Baby Mitzi

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Here is Miller with his new owner, Rick Ottoson.

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Mim's Henry

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Mim's Boy Henri

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Mim's Boy Henri

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Mim's Boy Henri

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..........in my Halloween outfit....Love, Misty

Album 9
..........in my Halloween outfit....Love, Misty

Album 9
I play with it on the bed.-I throw it on the floor,- I go get it and I bring it back on the bed.- Mommy Sue wants to make the bed but I want to PLAY!- Love, Misty

Album 9
I play with it on the bed.-I throw it on the floor,- I go get it and I bring it back on the bed.- Mommy Sue wants to make the bed but I want to PLAY!- Love, Misty

Album 9
I play with it on the bed.-I throw it on the floor,- I go get it and I bring it back on the bed.- Mommy Sue wants to make the bed but I want to PLAY!- Love, Misty

Album 9
I play with it on the bed.-I throw it on the floor,- I go get it and I bring it back on the bed.- Mommy Sue wants to make the bed but I want to PLAY!- Love, Misty

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Misty is one year old on xmas day

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Dad Michael loves his poodles!!! I enjoy hearing from them!!!

Album 9

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Jane and Judy's Pippa after grooming

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Tanner Wilson and the Wilson crew (Denise, Wayne, Bryce and Abby)
I wanted to write and say that everything is going great in the Wilson home. I am sending you a picture so you can see how happy they are. My new brother and sister (Bryce and Abigail) were very excited to see me Saturday night. They couldn?t believe that I slept the entire way to Roanoke.
they have introduces me to many friends and family (everyone just thinks I am sooo cute?and they are right). I have a wonderful crate to stay in while they are at work (don?t like it too much right now, but I will.) I have adjusted pretty good to their lifestyle however I do miss you and all of my brothers and sisters in PA.
Please know that I will keep you up to date on things here in Roanoke (mom wanted to send this to you yesterday but couldn?t get her computer to read the memory card?technology!!!). You always have a place to stay if you are ever headed our way! Take care and thanks for all you have done!
Tanner Wilson and the Wilson crew (Denise, Wayne, Bryce, and Abby)

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This is Winston, he lives in Va . with David and family

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Cassidy after grooming

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Glitter enjoying the new bed

Album 9
Dear Barbara,
All of my students in my class are always asking about Glitter and to see new pictures of her. We even read the book Poodlena in class and they loved it. Every time the word poodle or dog is mentioned they say "just like Glitter" or asks if Glitter does such and such. I share a lot of stories about her with my students so I decided that it would be neat for my class to meet her. Here is a picture from her visit to my class on Tuesday, November 12th. Jeff brought her in to visit. The children LOVED her!!!!
Kristen, Jeff, and Glitter

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Glitter and her "Main Man"

Album 9
Dear Barbara,
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that Glitter is one HAPPY dog. We went and bought her her pumpkin costume on Tuesday and a t-shirt that says" Cuter Than Your Kid" which is true in her case. We also got her snow boots for rain and snow since she doesn't like going out when it is wet outside and her rubber ducky raincoat is being sent to us any day now. We will be going snow suit shopping soon. I have enclosed a pic of Glitter and how she sleeps everynight weither it is me or my husband and her new "throne" on our couch. Enjoy!
Kristen, Jeff, and Glitter Gulla

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Glitter is the love of their life. She has 3 dresser drawers of clothes and goes everywhere with them. I've enjoyed their e-mails and photos so much. Hugs to Glitter and her Family!

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Mary Kate at intergroom

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Maryanne and her Barclay poodles

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Some of my girls resting on their cot

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This is Curly, a Barclay mini living in CA now

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Bianca and Bentley

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Bianca and Bentley

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Bianca and Bentley

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Bentley and Bianca

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Bentley and Bianca

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David and David Barclay baby boy Cyril.

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Mini is Lilly, the toy is Dillon.
They belonging to Tom and Maryann Mesmer. They do agility and obedience.

Album 9

Album 9
Hi Barbara,
I just wanted to drop you a note to share with you a photo of Kayla who will celebrate her 17th birthday tomorrow.
She is in good health and still has occasional spunk.
What's the oldest one of your dogs have lived to?
Hope all is well with you and thanks again for giving us such a great dog!
My kids have grown up with her and can't even imagine life without her they are 18 and 21 nowFondly,
Karin Goldstein

Album 9
This is Misty, belonging to Sue and Joann,
She loves to come to mom's house
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